Harrow International School Shanghai
上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校成立于2016年,是全球哈罗大家庭的一员, 是一所面向18个月至18岁学生的国际学校。哈罗公学有着450年的悠久历史,哈罗上海秉承优良基因,将母校的卓越精神一脉相承。哈罗上海沿袭了英国哈罗公学数百年来的办学理念和特色。在这里,东西方历史、传统和文化精华完美交融沉淀。作为上海顶尖的英国国际学校之一,我们对您的孩子充满无限期望。他们将充分发挥潜能,不仅是在学习上取得优异的考试成绩,更重要的是能成长为快乐和成功的人。在哈罗上海,学校的整个旅程和经历都是为了确保您的孩子能够踏出舒适区,在一个充满支持的环境中接受挑战,成长为一个坚强的人。我们的目标是,在牢固的价值观框架的指导下,他们将以领导者的身份进入更广阔的世界,从而产生积极的影响。
Founded in 2016 as part of the Harrow Family of Schools, Harrow International School Shanghai, providing education to pupils aged from 18 months to 18 years, is connected to 450 years of global excellence via the unique Harrow genetics which bind our schools together. A Harrow Shanghai education is based on the same ethos and identity that has characterised a Harrow education in the UK for centuries and here you will find a school where the best of Western and Eastern traditions, history and heritage are seamlessly fused. As one of the top British International Schools in Shanghai, we are hugely aspirational and ambitious for your child. They will make the very most of their potential not just in their studies gaining fantastic examination results at the end of their journey, but also that they will grow as happy and successful people. At Harrow International School Shanghai, the whole journey and experience of the School has been designed to ensure that your child will be taken outside of their comfort zone, being challenged in a supportive environment to become a stronger person. Our aim is that they will go into the wider world as leaders to make a genuinely positive difference with a strongly embedded framework of values to guide them.