Dulwich College Shanghai
德威学院上海浦西是创新教育的灯塔,将学术卓越与对可持续发展和可持续发展目标(SDGs)的坚定承诺紧密结合。这所享有盛誉的学院创造了一个动态的学习环境,培养全球公民意识,鼓励学生深入参与社区价值观和社会责任。2021年与云南香格里拉的社会企业Elevated Honey Co的合作是这一旅程中的一个重要里程碑。这一合作丰富了教育体验,强调了道德商业实践和环境管理的重要性。此外,德威学院上海浦西自豪地成为“农村中国女孩教育”(EGRC)的首个大使学校。这个角色使学生能够积极参与支持性别平等和教育普及的倡议,使他们的行动与全球公民能力相一致。鼓励学生规划和实施与社区共鸣的项目,体现出对有意义贡献的承诺和对共同责任感的培养。德威学院上海浦西在追求教育创新的过程中,积极拥抱尖端技术,处于学术进步的前沿。学校早期采用的人工智能工具,如aleX Qbot聊天机器人和Century Tech,改变了学习体验,并为中国的K-12教育建立了新标准。该学院的“人人享有的整体人工智能”项目获得了TES最佳技术使用奖,展示了其将AI整合以提升学习的承诺,同时为学生应对快速变化的世界做好准备。 通过其艺术和教育技术项目,德威学院上海浦西不仅培养创造力和批判性思维,还强调可持续性,帮助学生应对未来的复杂挑战。通过将创新实践与强大的伦理框架结合,该学院培养了一代能够驾驭世界并产生积极影响的领导者。这种多元化的方法确保学生不仅是学习者,还是塑造更可持续和公平未来的积极参与者,使德威学院上海浦西成为现代教育的全人教育典范。
Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi is a beacon of innovative education, intertwining academic excellence with a solid commitment to sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi has crafted a dynamic learning environment that fosters global citizenship, encouraging students to engage deeply with community values and social responsibility. A significant milestone in this journey was the 2021 partnership with Elevated Honey Co, a social enterprise from Shangri-La, Yunnan. This collaboration enriches the educational experience and emphasizes the importance of ethical business practices and environmental stewardship.Moreover, Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi proudly serves as the first Ambassador School for Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC). This role empowers students to actively engage in initiatives that support gender equality and education for all, aligning their actions with the Global Citizenship Competencies. Students are encouraged to plan and implement projects that resonate within their communities, reflecting a commitment to making meaningful contributions and nurturing a sense of shared responsibility.Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi has embraced cutting-edge technology in its quest for educational innovation, positioning itself at the forefront of academic advancement. The school's early adoption of AI tools, such as the aleX, Qbot chatbot and Century Tech, has transformed learning experiences and established a new standard for K-12 education in China. Recognized with the TES award for ‘Best Use of Technology’, the college’s ‘Holistic AI for All’ program exemplifies its dedication to integrating AI to enhance learning while preparing students for the demands of a rapidly evolving world.Through its art and ed-tech programs, Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi not only nurtures creativity and critical thinking but also emphasizes sustainability, preparing students to address the complex challenges of the future. By combining innovative practices with a strong ethical framework, the college cultivates a generation of leaders equipped to navigate and positively impact the world. This multifaceted approach ensures that students are not just learners but active participants in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future, making Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi a holistic education model in the modern era.