On the Ground of Perception
This exhibition focuses on three cross-media projects as the primary content, showcasing the outcomes from the 2024 “Joint Exhibition” course package. The main goal of the professional training is to cultivate creative and distinctive talents in artistic creation, with a core exploration of "how to conduct art education in the digital media era" through both practice and discussion. The selected projects address three focal points: "fluidity of identity," "locality," and "cross-media."
Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
上海视觉艺术学院创办于 2005 年 4 月,是一所以国有投资为主体,同时吸纳部分社会力量和民营资金,混合所有制的新型综合艺术类普通本科高等院校。学校原名复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院,2013 年 4 月,经国家教育部批准,学校从原来的复旦大学独立二级学院,转设为独立建制的“上海视觉艺术学院”。
Founded in April 2005, Shanghai Visual Arts College (SVAC) is a new type of mixed-ownership comprehensive arts undergraduate institution, primarily funded by state investment while also incorporating some social and private funds. The college was originally named Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, Fudan University. In April 2013, with approval from the Ministry of Education of China, the college transitioned from being a second-level independent college of Fudan University to an independently established "Shanghai Visual Arts College."