Interactive Media Arts (IMA Low Res) Selected works of the class of 2024
上海纽约大学和纽约大学蒂势艺术学院联合创立的线上线下相结合的一年制互动媒体艺术硕士学位项目(The Global Low-Residency MA degree in Interactive Media Arts,简称 IMA Low Res)展览特别展出了学生们在毕业设计课程中创作的作品,该课程从为期14周的春季线上学期开始,在上海为期5周的现场夏季学期结束。在此期间,学生们将构思、设计并制作他们自己选择的互动媒体艺术项目。毕设项目要求学生确定一个与个人兴趣相关的研究领域,并进行实践研究、技术技能提升、艺术探索、用户测试和迭代。其成果展示了他们的洞察力、创造力及对事物的新的理解。
The exhibition of the Global Low-Residency MA degree in Interactive Media Arts (IMA Low Res), a one-year combined online and offline Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Media Arts programme created by New York University in Shanghai and New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, features a special exhibition of work created by students in their final year design course. The exhibition showcases the work created by students during the Graduation Programme, in which students conceive, design and produce an interactive media arts project of their choice. The Graduation Project requires students to identify an area of study related to their personal interests and to undertake practical research, technical skill development, artistic exploration, user testing and iteration. The outcome demonstrates their insight, creativity and new understanding of things.
NYU Tisch - NYU Shanghai Interactive Media Arts (Low Residency)
互动媒体艺术(IMA Low Res)硕士项目是一个由上海纽约大学与纽约大学蒂势艺术学院(NYU Tisch School of the Arts)联合培养的一年项目。该项目在纽约大学、纽约大学柏林学习中心和上海纽约大学线下授课,期间穿插两个学期的线上教学模块。课程以创作项目为基础,重点培养学生的创意性表达、技术试验和批判思考能力。我们鼓励学生将个人实践与工作经历融入创作实践中,以探讨不同环境和背景下复杂的全球性问题。这个硕士项目延续了蒂势学院 1979年成立的交互通讯项目(ITP)的创新精神,通过与上海纽约大学 IMA 部门合作,采用独特的教学模式,培养具有全球视野和创新能力的媒体艺术人才。
The Master's program in Interactive Media Arts (IMA Low Res) is a jointly offered one-year program between New York University Shanghai (NYUSH) and NYU Tisch School of the Arts. The program is delivered on-campus at NYU, the NYU Berlin Study Center, and NYUSH, with two semesters of online modules interspersed. Based on creative projects, the curriculum focuses on developing students' creative expression, technical experimentation, and critical thinking skills. Students are encouraged to integrate their personal practices and professional experiences into their creative endeavors to explore complex global issues across different environments and contexts. This master's program continues the innovative spirit of Tisch's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), which was established in 1979. Through collaboration with the IMA department at NYUSH, it employs a unique teaching model to cultivate media arts talents with a global perspective and innovative capabilities.