“共同的问题”让我们深入了解那些构成上海纽约大学互动媒体艺术专业共享教育项目基础的个人实践。展出的艺术家们在保持个人艺术追求的同时,还共同探讨了在技术飞速发展的今天,如何开展媒体艺术教学。展出的作品反思了借助科技和针对科技进行研究工作的多种视角和方法——利用人工智能来研究(后)人类境况;探索物质世界的表现力和数字世界的物质性;勾勒我们在数字媒体时间轴上的位置-- 从而揭示一个可能的未来。
The Interactive Media Arts program at New York University Shanghai presents a group exhibition titled "Shared Matter." Through this exhibition, visitors can gain insights into the individual practices that form the foundation of the shared educational projects within the Interactive Media Arts program at NYU Shanghai. The exhibiting artists, while maintaining their individual artistic pursuits, collectively explore how to conduct media arts education in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. The works on display reflect various perspectives and methodologies for engaging with and studying technology – utilizing artificial intelligence to examine (post)human conditions; exploring the expressive power of the physical world and the materiality of the digital world; outlining our position on the timeline of digital media – thereby revealing a possible future.
NYU Shanghai - Interactive Media Arts
上海纽约大学成立于2012 年,在上海市及浦东新区政府大力支持下,由华东师范大学和纽约大学合作创办,是中国第一所中美合办的研究型大学,也是纽约大学全球教育体系中第三所具有学位授予资格的独立门户校园。上海纽约大学旨在通过创新型教学模式、世界一流的科研环境,以及对公共服务事业的热忱,培养学生成为具有国际视野的世界公民。上海纽约大学现有在校本科生和研究生2000 余人,中国学生和国际学生各占一半,国际学生来自世界70 多个国家和地区。上海纽约大学的教职工团体由诸多著名学者、创新者、教育家组成,他们均在世界各顶级研究型大学有丰富的教学及研究经历。交互媒体艺术专业鼓励学生探索新兴媒体和传播形式带来的表达可能性。学生面临将实践与理论相结合,将技能与历史知识、文化理解和概念性思维相结合的挑战。专业领域包括软件开发、数字媒体处理、实物制造、电子设备开发、物理和虚拟空间构建、媒体理论、交互式装置以及技术的理论延伸等。在科技日益发展的今天,新兴技术的应用在我们的生活中愈显重要。该专业的课程设置、社群氛围和积极的学习环境鼓励学生探索个人研究兴趣,有助于学生深入理解概念、掌握实用技能,并批判性地、创造性地使用新技术。
Founded in 2012 with the strong support of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Pudong New Area Government, New York University Shanghai (NYUSH) is a joint venture between East China Normal University and New York University. It is the first Sino-American research university in China and the third degree-granting portal campus within NYU's global system. NYUSH aims to cultivate students into global citizens with an international perspective through innovative teaching models, a world-class research environment, and a commitment to public service. With a current student body of over 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students, NYUSH has an equal mix of Chinese and international students from more than 70 countries and regions. The faculty at NYUSH is composed of renowned scholars, innovators, and educators with extensive teaching and research experience at top research universities worldwide. The Interactive Media Arts program at NYUSH encourages students to explore the expressive possibilities offered by emerging media and communication forms. Students are challenged to integrate practice with theory, skills with historical knowledge, cultural understanding, and conceptual thinking. Areas of specialization include software development, digital media processing, physical fabrication, electronic device development, physical and virtual space construction, media theory, interactive installations, and theoretical extensions of technology. In today's increasingly technology-driven world, the application of emerging technologies has become increasingly important in our lives. The curriculum, community atmosphere, and active learning environment of this program encourage students to explore their personal research interests, deepen their understanding of concepts, acquire practical skills, and use new technologies critically and creatively.