When Design Meets the Metaverse
The cultivation of experimental, practical, and aesthetic qualities under the guidance of humanistic design principles has always been a teaching characteristic of the School of Design, East China Normal University. Advances in technology, social development, and changes in lifestyles and ideas have completely transformed people's traditional understanding of design and design education. This exhibition by the School of Design, East China Normal University, showcases student works themed on the integration of technology and art. It displays works created by students from various professional directions such as graphic design, illustration design, digital media design, and artificial intelligence design. These works fully reflect the school's and students' focus on the combination of technology and art.
East China Normal University
华东师范大学设计学院以课程教学改革+ 国际化办学+ 产教融合项目实践教学体系建设为教学和人才培养模式改革的抓手,形成了以国际化办学和产教融合的实践教学改革成果为代表的办学特色与优势,三次获得上海市教委教学成果一等奖,并获得国家级教学成果二等奖。学院学生获得包括德国设计红点奖、IF 奖等数十项国际设计大奖,同时获得包括全国美展设计金奖在内的200 多项国内设计大奖,获得总计300 多项设计专利。学院学生的作品多次入选包括威尼斯双年展和米兰三年展、米兰家具展、圣埃蒂安设计双年展在内的国际顶级展事,并先后在美国纽约、意大利罗马、 都灵等地举办了学生作品展。多年来设计学院本硕各专业学生就业率始终保持100%。
The School of Design, East China Normal University has leveraged curriculum and teaching reform, international education, and the construction of practical teaching systems through industry-education integration as key strategies for reforming its teaching and talent cultivation models. This has led to the formation of distinctive educational features and advantages represented by the practical teaching reform achievements in international education and industry-education integration. The school has won the First Prize for Teaching Achievements from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission three times and the Second Prize for National Teaching Achievements. Students from the school have received dozens of international design awards, including the Red Dot Award and IF Award from Germany, as well as over 200 domestic design awards, including the Gold Award for Design at the National Art Exhibition, and have obtained more than 300 design patents in total. Student works have been selected for top international exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale, Milan Triennale, Milan Furniture Fair, and Saint-Étienne Design Biennale, and student exhibitions have been held in New York, Rome, Turin, and other places. Over the years, the employment rate for undergraduate and graduate students of all majors in the School of Design has remained at 100%.