Meeting Halfway - “Inter-Youth Painting Exhibition” by China Academy of Art Artistic Innovation and Promotion Exhibition
中国美术学院是当今艺术类院校中,学科最完备、规模最齐整的综合型美术学院之一,具有完整的理论与实际结合、全球境域与本土资源互动、人文关怀与社会实用共生、造型与设计学科兼备的学科结构。“Inter-Youth国际青年绘画展”作为中国美术学院的品牌项目,由最初的“世纪之星-青年绘画展项目”经历了十几年的演绎,于2015年进一步拓展为国际青年绘画展。 本次展览旨在弘扬中国美术学院青年艺术家独立人格和艺术品格,对于社会和当代艺术的一种回应。这些青年艺术家们各自在艺术领域的成就,他们各自的艺术特点作为案例,将成为本次展览的亮点。他们也反馈了中国美术学院当代艺术教育的深度成果。同时,展览还包括实验工作室特别案例,中国美术学院实验室具有悠久的历史,具有公共性和艺术特征性,将会在展览中呈现。
China Academy of Art (CAA) is one of the most complete and comprehensive art academies in terms of disciplines and scale, with a complete pedagogic structure that combines theory and practice, global and local resources, humanistic concerns and social practicality, and systematic trainings in art and applied art. As a brand project of the China Academy of Art, the “Inter-Youth International Painting Exhibition” has been developed from the original Century Star Painting Exhibition project for more than ten years, and was further upgraded to an art project welcoming international artists since 2015. Aiming to promote young artists’ diversified practices and experiments, this exhibition intends to forge dialogue with the contemporary art world, and sheds spotlight on the questions, progresses, findings of each of the artists. Meanwhile, the exhibition provides a glimpse of the results of contemporary art education of China Academy of Art in painting and related artistic experiments. The exhibition also includes a special case study of the Experimental Studios, which will showcase the long term and differentiated practices in the China Academy of Art.
School of Painting Arts, China Academy of Art
China Academy of Art (CAA) is one of the most complete and comprehensive art academies in terms of disciplines and scale, with a complete pedagogic structure that combines theory and practice, global and local resources, humanistic concerns and social practicality, and systematic trainings in art and applied art. As a brand project of the China Academy of Art, the “Inter-Youth International Painting Exhibition” has been developed from the original Century Star Painting Exhibition project for more than ten years, and was further upgraded to an art project welcoming international artists since 2015.