传统上,当初入编程世界或对新计算机系统进行测试时,程序员编写的第一个程序便是让系统显示 "Hello, World!"。这看似简单的两个词语对新程序员而言就如一块里程碑——它在向世界宣布该系统已准备就绪、等待接受更复杂的使命任务。上海纽约大学交互媒体艺术专业的在校生及应届毕业生共同参展的 "Hello, World!",正是学生们跨学科学习成果的里程碑,标志着他们已整装待发,怀揣对想要影响世界的渴望。 COVID-19 的世界大流行彻底打乱了上海纽约大学 2020 届学生的毕业季节奏,学生们用心经营了四年之久的跨文化、跨国界友谊骤然止于屏幕——大家被困在各自的网上学习泡沫之中,孤立地分散于世界各地。然而,他们坚持不懈、排除万难,用坚定的意志和决心尽全力产出了富有想象力、发人深省的项目。现在,这些作品终于集于一地,再次将中外学生紧密联系在了一起! 本次参展的作品所应用的媒体涵盖虚拟现实、人工智能、数字制造和可穿戴设备计算等高科技技术,也不乏摄影、版画和书籍等更为传统的媒体。学生们通过多种媒体对环境污染、半机械人美学、家庭传统、身体形象、情感计算、音乐认知学习和中国神话等研究议题进行讨论,表达他们对世界的独到见解。 学生们作品的涉猎之广,深刻地反映了上海纽约大学交互媒体艺术专业教育中所固有的、独特而富有成效的跨学科性质。对于应对毕业后世界的瞬息万变,这些学生们准备好了!
When learning how to code or when testing a new computer system, traditionally, the first program a programmer will write is one that displays the text "Hello, World!". It is a milestone for a new programmer and a confirmation that all systems are up and running and ready to go. Similarly, the exhibition "Hello, World!" by soon-to-be and recent Interactive Media Arts graduates is a milestone for the students and signifies their eagerness and readiness to make an impact on the world through their work. The class of 2020's graduation semester at NYU Shanghai was thoroughly disrupted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. International bonds and friendships, formed over the course of 4 years, were suddenly torn apart, leaving students spread across the globe in their isolated bubbles of online learning. Nevertheless, they persevered and through their willpower and determination managed to produce imaginative and thought-provoking projects. Now, these works are finally shown together in one place, solidifying ties between classmates from China and abroad. The students in this exhibition express their views on the state of the world through a multitude of media ranging from the highly technological, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, digital fabrication, and wearable computing, to more traditional media, such as photography, printmaking, and books. Through their projects, they highlight and investigate a broad spectrum of issues including environmental pollution, cyborg aesthetics, family traditions, body image, emotional computing, music cognition, and Chinese mythology. This wide-ranging body of work by the Interactive Media Arts students reflects deeply upon the inherently interdisciplinary nature of their education. It shows us that they are up and running and ready to engage with the rapidly changing environment of their post-graduation world.
New York University Shanghai
Founded in 2012, NYU Shanghai is China’s first Sino-US research university and the third degree-granting campus of the NYU Global Network. NYU Shanghai seeks to cultivate globally-minded graduates through innovative teaching, world class research, and a commitment to public service. All undergraduate students pursue a course of study that will equip them with the broad knowledge base and tools to become creative thinkers and active learners throughout their lives.