Moscow Calling & Transmitter
本次介绍的两个展览来自于莫斯科的 BHSAD 和曼彻斯特的 MSA 持续合作系列里的“莫斯科的呼唤”和“传送者”。 “莫斯科的呼唤”将会展出的作品来自 BHSAD Level 4 学生于 2020 年 5 月在莫斯科的 PS Mirable 微型驻留, 但驻留项目因为新冠疫情的旅行限制而取消。因此本次在艺术与设计创新未来教育博览会展出的作品为原定在曼彻斯特展出的BHSAD 学生作品。 “传送者” 将会展出的作品来自 MSA Level 5 学生于 2020 年 5 月在莫斯科的 Zil 文化中心微型驻留及 BHSAD Level 5 学生于 2020 年 6 月份在曼彻斯特 Pink 微型驻留。但这两个驻留项目皆因新冠疫情的旅行限制而取消。为了继续推进合作项目以及两地学生的艺术交流,线上展览已经完成。两地学生俩俩匹配,为彼此提供设计指示,并分别根据指示完成艺术作品。这些设计指示及艺术作品将会集合在“传送者”并于艺术与设计创新未来教育博览会展出。本次项目的完成由学生通过多次 Zoom对话完成,同时这些对话记录了学生们对本次项目的反应,这些记录也将在本次展览中展出。
The two exhibitions 'Moscow Calling' and 'Transmitter' are part of an ongoing series of collaborations between BHSAD in Moscow and MSA in Manchester. 'Moscow Calling' would have seen BHSAD level 4 students undertake a microresidency at PS Mirabel in Manchester in May 2020. This was cancelled due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. The exhibition at FutureLab is the work the BHSAD students would have shown in Manchester. 'Transmitter' would have seen MSA level 5 students undertake a micro-residency at Zil Cultural Centre in Moscow in May 2020 and BHSAD level 5 students undertake a micro-residency at Pink in Manchester in June 2020. Both of these micro-residencies were cancelled due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. In order to allow the collaboration to develop, and for students from Moscow and Manchester to establish artistic relationships, an online project was established. Each level 5 Moscow student was paired with a level 5 Manchester student. These pairs of students designed instructions for each other in order that their counterpart could realise an art work for them in another city in another country. The resulting instructions and the works realised are shown in the exhibition 'Transmitter' at FutureLab. The students conducted a series of dialogues as the project developed through email and Zoom, these dialogues, documenting their responses to the project are also present ed within the exhibition.
Manchester School of Art
本校位于充满活力和多元文化的曼特斯特市中心,作为艺术与设计教育的创新者,本校于2013年举行了第175年校庆。作为第二古老的英国设计院校,本校致力于为制造业提供设计培训。本校教授基本知识与技能以贴合学生职业选择,由工业为导向的本科及硕士课程。 本校重视实验并且创意。 对于媒体,材料和流程,我们采用了一种有趣而严肃的方法。 我们在学术与知识上都充满了挑战。我们尊重每个人的学科,并在学校和市内建立艺术和设计社区。 我们富有创造力,非常规且专业。
Based in the heart of Manchester, a vibrant and multicultural city, we are an innovator of art and design education in the UK, and celebrated our 175th anniversary in 2013. As the second oldest design school in Britain, established to provide design training to the manufacturing industry, we offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are still very much influenced by the specialist needs of industry to provide our students with the essential skills and knowledge for their chosen career. We place importance on experimentation and generating creative surprise. We have a playful yet serious approach to media, materials and processes. We are intellectually and academically challenging. We have mutual respect for each other's disciplines and foster an art and design community within the school and the City. We are creative, unconventional and professional.